Tag: avoiding injury

  • Running Improvement

    Running Improvement

    Written by Carrie Tsianatelis This Tip Tuesday is for the newer less experienced runner like me. I started running recreationally in order to keep fit and healthy as an adult.  Sometimes I would run for a few months or a few years and then I would stop and get into some other form of exercise. …

  • Running during the Cold and Flu Season

    Running during the Cold and Flu Season

    Written By Caitlyn Bintz Ashton It’s cold and flu season— how to determine if it’s okay to run?! TLDR: general rule of thumb, if symptoms are mild and above your shoulders it’s okay, but take it easy. Anything below your shoulders (AKA in your lungs or bad GI symptoms)… TAKE A CHILL PILL!! You have…

  • Conscious breathing for Runners

    Conscious breathing for Runners

    Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness, Hudson MA There aspects of the yoga practice — not related to stretching — that can be very beneficial to runners. Specifically the breathing! If you are taking time off from training for races this…

  • 3 Moves Vital for your Cross Training

    3 Moves Vital for your Cross Training

    Tip Tuesday Written by Connor Ryan   PT, DPT, CSCS, PRC When it comes to running, everyone knows the importance of cross training to support our physical capacity and ability to stay consistently on the road/trails. We all know because we all have stories about what happens when we neglect our cross training… Here are 3…

  • Hip Stretching Technique

    Hip Stretching Technique

    Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness, Hudson MA Happy Hips at the Wall Hello fellow Striders! I’m April Ropes, Yoga Teacher and Runner (recently, a slower runner). As many of you are aware, runners often have tight hips. There are many…

  • Obstacle Course Racing for Runners

    Obstacle Course Racing for Runners

    Written by Vincent Hughes and Brandon Hey Today’s Tuesday Tip is about Obstacle Course Racing – Spartan, Tough Mudder, Savage Races, etc. are all races that involve a combination of running between various obstacles and then completing the obstacle. The obstacle can be anything from a rope wall, rope net climb over, a barbed wire…

  • How to Start Running Barefoot

    How to Start Running Barefoot

    Written by Rebekah Tregger, A.K.A. Barefoot Becky Hello, fellow Striders! My name is Rebekah but most of you know me as Barefoot Becky. I have been running barefoot for almost 7 years. I run 2000+ miles/year barefoot and all 13 of my marathons were run barefoot. The main reason I run barefoot is that it…

  • Warm weather Running Tips

    Warm weather Running Tips

    Written by Dr, Kim Brown, PT, DPT and owner of ONE PT Hot! Hot! Hot! Do you know when to stop? Summer is here and temperatures are rising! Are you one to exercise outdoors? Do you check the temperature before going outside? How about humidity and dew point? As the heat increases so does your…

  • LEA-Low Energy Ability

    LEA-Low Energy Ability

    Written by: Alyson Comeau, MPH, RDN, LDN Hi Runners, have you heard of LEA? It stands for low energy availability. This can occur when we are not adequately nourishing our body. This can happen unintentionally or sometimes intentionally. LEA can lead to short term and long term issues. Check out these slides for more on…

  • What is the cause of your running injury?

    What is the cause of your running injury?

    Written by Dr. Kim Brown, PT, DPT, Owner of O.N.E PT Tip Tuesday video style! Listen to Dr. Kim (and staff George and Ellie) talk about running injuries and what to do if you are having symptoms more than 3-4 days. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gde38AK0wy8c7_Eeo7Z-XI1Y4bmBOr06/view?usp=sharing

  • Strength Training for Runners

    Strength Training for Runners

    Written by Patrick Sherrod. Patrick is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, RRCA Certified Running Coach and StretchMed CST. I was recently asked about my thoughts on strength training for runners and my response in a single word: YES!!  Strength training provides us with numerous benefits that go so far beyond running so I will do…

  • Stretching: Focus on Flexibility

    Stretching: Focus on Flexibility

    Written by Patrick Sherrod. Patrick is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer, RRCA Certified Running Coach and StretchMed CST. **You can stretch anytime, anywhere. Just follow these tips to do it safely and effectively.** You know exercise is important, but what about stretching? Does stretching take a back seat to your exercise routine? Not so fast.…