Author: Judy Proteau
Running Improvement
Written by Carrie Tsianatelis This Tip Tuesday is for the newer less experienced runner like me. I started running recreationally in order to keep fit and healthy as an adult. Sometimes I would run for a few months or a few years and then I would stop and get into some other form of exercise. …
Goals and the New Year
Written by Amanda Brandt I love goals! It can be so fun and energizing to start a new project and to visualize how it will go. On the good days, you’re motivated by how amazing you are. You stand a little taller, flex your biceps, and feel like you’re on top of the world. But…
Running during the Cold and Flu Season
Written By Caitlyn Bintz Ashton It’s cold and flu season— how to determine if it’s okay to run?! TLDR: general rule of thumb, if symptoms are mild and above your shoulders it’s okay, but take it easy. Anything below your shoulders (AKA in your lungs or bad GI symptoms)… TAKE A CHILL PILL!! You have…
Conscious breathing for Runners
Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness, Hudson MA There aspects of the yoga practice — not related to stretching — that can be very beneficial to runners. Specifically the breathing! If you are taking time off from training for races this…
3 Moves Vital for your Cross Training
Tip Tuesday Written by Connor Ryan PT, DPT, CSCS, PRC When it comes to running, everyone knows the importance of cross training to support our physical capacity and ability to stay consistently on the road/trails. We all know because we all have stories about what happens when we neglect our cross training… Here are 3…
SMART goals
Written by Steve Jackson Tip Tuesday Wowzah! What a great year for group and individual achievements by the members of this club! Over 200 members, 50 state marathons completed, PR at Tough Ten, Qualifiers for Boston, Marathon and Half Marathon PR’s What will 2025 bring? Can 2024 be topped? Can I be one to achieve?…
Nutrition Time
Written by Aly Comeau, Alyson Comeau, MPH, RDN, LDN Figuring out your nutrition during the non-racing season can be intuitive for some runners and tricky for others! Here are some tips and tricks to help you navigate this off-season so you come back to racing season stronger than ever!! Nutrition is an important component even on the…
Thankful for Running
Written by Judy Proteau
Wrapping up a year of running (or not)
Written by Lacey Liebert, LMHC As we head into “the most wonderful time of the year” here is your friendly reminder that it’s okay to not feel “merry and bright.” Despite the not-so-subtle messaging about how we *should* feel around this time of year, our lived experiences are much more complicated. For the purpose of…
The Chill Approach to an Ultra
Written by Donna Macauley The chill approach to doing an ultra! When I think of ultras, I think of grueling mountainous terrain where you have to carry ALL your resources with you, follow remote trails by yourself and plot out extensive plans for your pacers and hope that you actually find them. That sounds like…
Running in the Dark
Written by Michael Lepore Tip Tuesday – Running in the Dark It’s getting to be that time of year again! It’s a bit colder – and running feels great again! We’ve already talked about how to make sure you dress to stay warm, but we didn’t talk about the other challenge that Fall and Winter…