Running Improvement

Written by Carrie Tsianatelis

This Tip Tuesday is for the newer less experienced runner like me.

I started running recreationally in order to keep fit and healthy as an adult.  Sometimes I would run for a few months or a few years and then I would stop and get into some other form of exercise.  I was not very consistent until about four years ago when I joined a Couch to 5k.  After that I started running more consistently and found that I really enjoyed running.  About a year ago I decided to join the Highland City Striders and since then my running has improved.  These are a few things I did during that time that helped me become a better runner.

1.  More Consistent Running Schedule:  Before joining the HCS I was running about three times per week for 3 miles at a time.  Once becoming a member, joining the group runs helped me increase my distance as well as my weekly running schedule to four times a week.  At first the 5-6 miles per run was difficult but it did get easier as I adjusted.  Eventually I was able to slowly work up to a 10 mile Sunday run.  Running 10 miles was a huge achievement for me and something I did not think I would ever be able to do.

2.  Running Friends:  Another thing that helped me tremendously was finding a group of slower Striders who ran closer to my pace.  It has been very helpful to have a group of people to run with and learn from.  I was nervous when initially joining that I was too slow to be in the HCS.  I was happy to be quickly embraced and to realized that not everyone is super speedy.  We slower Striders have a group chat that we are always happy to add anyone that would like to be added.  Its great to know when you attend a group run that you will have friends that are a similar pace to run with.   Most importantly its so much fun!

3.  Remembering I am only in competition with myself:  My goals in the first year were smaller in comparison to most of the other members.  My biggest goal was to feel like I belonged in this group of amazing athletes.  While they were training for half marathons, marathons, ultra marathons, and other amazing races, I kept my goals small and focused on some local 5k’s and 5 mile races.  These races were a great way to meet more Striders and to also see how much I was progressing.  It’s ok to have smaller goals.  Try not to compare yourself to other runners and make sure to celebrate your successes.   

4.  Track Workouts:  I joined Coach Steve’s track workouts in the Spring and had no clue what I was getting myself into. I had never done a workout like this before and it was extremely challenging for me!  I kept showing up to the workouts and with Coach’s encouragement the workouts became easier and I was surprised at how much I could push myself.  I believe that the track workouts contributed to me having a faster pace and also made me feel more confident.  Of course there were days I really struggled and did not feel strong but overall the track workouts definitely made me a better runner.

Being a part of the HCS has been one of my favorite things about 2024.  Not only am I a better runner but I have also made so many new friendships and met lots of wonderful people. If you are just beginning or new to the group, remember that it is ok to be a slower Strider.  You do belong.  Just keep showing up and keep running!





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