Tag: yoga
Conscious breathing for Runners
Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness, Hudson MA There aspects of the yoga practice — not related to stretching — that can be very beneficial to runners. Specifically the breathing! If you are taking time off from training for races this…
Hip Stretching Technique
Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness, Hudson MA Happy Hips at the Wall Hello fellow Striders! I’m April Ropes, Yoga Teacher and Runner (recently, a slower runner). As many of you are aware, runners often have tight hips. There are many…
Resources for Runners
Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness.
Restorative Leg Recovery
Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness. How many of you actually take the time to practice slow, restorative recovery from your runs? If you haven’t experienced legs-up-the-wall, maybe it’s time! Check out my very amateur video! If you are looking for…
Myofascial release
Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness. Myofascial Release has been suggested for runners over the years to reduce soreness and speed up recovery. Often we go in there aggressively with foam rollers and such. There is another way! This video shows…
Parking Lot Yoga
Written by April Ropes, runner and a 500-hr Yoga Instructor. April teaches and co-manages the yoga studio at Synergy Wellness. Parking Lot Yoga is a dynamic warm-up that fires up the major muscle groups and lubricates the joints before your run. You can repeat this sequence 2-3 (or more) times before you head out on…